Has New Pilot Training Documents Section

Air Tractor AT-802 and AT-802A pilots and pilot instructors now have a more direct way to download the revised Air Tractor AT-802-802A Pilot Training Course and the latest FAA Exemption 5651 document.

Both documents are located in a new section titled “Pilot Training Documents” in the Air Tractor Owner and Pilot portals on Owners and pilots already registered for access to the secure portals have immediate access to these documents.

Air Tractor owners and pilots who have not yet registered for access to the Owner or Pilot portals can do so by clicking “Login” located at the top right corner of the home page:

After choosing a user name and password, new users complete a registration page. Vetting and notification of access to the Air Tractor Owner or Pilot portals, is usually completed within 48 hours.

Pilots who need training to comply with FAA Exemption 5651 can download the Air Tractor AT-802-802A Pilot Training Course as a PDF document.

Air Tractor dealers can provide pilots with the name(s) and contact information of Air Tractor-authorized instructors located near the pilot’s base of operations. A listing of Air Tractor dealers can be accessed at