Air Tractor AT-504

Trainer and Breadwinner

The AT-504 is the recognized superior platform for both aerial application and instruction. It’s the modern turboprop trainer that pays its way every day.

Earn While You Learn

Here is the ideal way to transition young ag pilots into a modern, reliable turbine engine aircraft. Side-by-side seating provides significant advantages over tandem-seat trainers. The AT-504 provides natural and efficient conditions for communication and load sharing between the instructor and trainee. Delivering all the productivity of the AT-502B, the AT-504 meets the needs of a challenging ag business where a two-seat trainer must provide more than just performance; it must also make a profit.

AT-504 Specifications

Engine Type:P&W PT6A-34AG
Engine SHP:750 @ 2,200 RPM
Propeller:Hartzell HC-B3TN-3D/T10282NS+4
Take-off Weight:9,600 lbs (4.354 kg)
Landing Weight:8,000 lbs (3.629 kg)
Empty Weight with Spray Equipment:4,768 lbs (2.163 kg)
Useful Load:4,740 lbs (2.150 kg)
Hopper Capacity:485 US gal (1.836 L)
Fuel Capacity:216 US gal (818 L)
Wing Span:52 ft (15,84 m)
Wing Area:312 sq ft (29,01 m²)
Main Wheel Size:29.00 x 11-10
Tail Wheel Size:5.00 x 5

AT-504 Performance

Cruise Speed at 8,000 ft (2.438 m):151 mph (131 kts)
Working Speed (Typical):120-145 mph (104-126 kts)
Range – Economy Cruise at 8,000 ft (2.438 m):608 mi (978 km)
Stall Speed – Flaps Up:75 mph (65 kts) at 8,000 lbs (3.629 kg)
Stall Speed – Flaps Down:65 mph (56 kts) at 8,000 lbs (3.629 kg)
Stall Speed as Usually Landed:53 mph (46 kts)
Rate of Climb:860 fpm at 9,600 lbs (4.354 kg)
Take-off Distance:1,150 ft at 9,600 lbs (4.354 kg)

Dimensional Drawings