Air Tractor featured on Straight and Level

Default Air Tractor Featured Image with AT logotype centered in the middle in a dark gray color on a lighter gray background.

Recently, Air Tractor was featured on Straight and Level, a show about airplanes on the AWE cable network. 

In Straight and Level: Episode 4, «Hand Built and Family Owned,» the show explores Air Tractor and takes a special look at the role Air Tractor plays in protecting the world from wildfires. This episode highlights the Air Tractor AT-802F and the crucial role «Fire Boss» pilots play in fighting wildfires around the world. Hulsey Smith interviews Kristin Edwards, daughter of Air Tractor founder Leland Snow, about the history of the AT-802F and its ascendency to become the world’s dominant single-engine air tanker. David and Danny Brigham tour Air Tractor manufacturing facilities and offer a close-up look at how Air Tractor airplanes are built.

Hosted by W. Hulsey Smith, David Brigham, Danny Brigham, and Jeff Gilmore, it’s a great look at Air Tractor and those who work behind the scenes. 

Straight and Level is a collaboration of Assent Aeronautics in a broadcast partnership with the AWE Network. Straight and Level features topics related to aviation news and information.

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